Dartie is narcissistic. It’s all about her. She is influential and can sway others to follow her whether she’s right or wrong. Sometimes her mentality and ego makes her stubborn and selfish. This puts her and Coki on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to certain environmental issues.
Peera is very energetic and high-strung. She not only loves dancing for herself, she is really interested in how so many cultures use dance to express their feelings. And much like Banjo, Peera loves to explore lands and their cultures.
Mossie looks very different from all of the other frogs. This makes his self confidence low. Coki is always willing to help others learn they are capable of doing things, especially her friends. And Mossie’s always willing to help her, even when he doubts he can.
Banjo’s a comical character who is also rooted in the influences of world music. Because he loves music, he’s curious about it and therefore grabs at all opportunities to travel to other lands and learn about their music. Banjo doesn’t always travel with Coki. But if Coki needs him, she knows she can always call on him.
Skylar is daring and curious. He grabs at every chance he gets to scope out things from the High Ground. He’s a great information gatherer. And his daring flying skills come in handy from time to time in scouting out new areas or saving lives. But his recklessness can also work against him and sometimes endangers other.